Cigánsky koň Vanner, tiež označovaný ako cigánsky klas alebo írsky COB, je plemeno rezidenčných koní, ktoré pochádzajú z Írska. V skutočnosti bolo chované dlhšie ako storočie, aby vytiahlo cigánskych kemperov, a bol prvýkrát vyvážaný do USA v roku 1996.

Nielenže bol kôň reprodukovaný tak, aby bol solídny a mal tiež veľa výdrže, ale menšie príklady tohto typu sú veľmi uctievané kvôli tomu, že by určite potrebovali oveľa menej jedla, ako aj následne stálo menej peňazí Udržujte ako väčšie kože.

Pochopia ich pre svoj atleticizmus, ale aj pre ich pokoj, ako aj pre príjemnú povahu.

Rýchle fakty o koni cigánskeho Vanner

Cigánsky Vannerový kone dnes pochopia pre svoje vynikajúce osobnosti, ako aj pre ich nádherné perie a tiež atraktívne vrstvy, koni Cigner Vanner okamžite v príťažlivosti.

Tieto steedy mohli byť povýšené na kreslenie karavanov, napriek tomu tiež robia fantastické jazdné kone. Vďaka svojej pokojnej povahe môžu byť cigánske desadláky dobre sprevádzané s deťmi, okrem nováčikov a tiež pokročilých dospelých cyklistov.

Názov druhu:
Cigánsky Vanner


Úroveň starostlivosti:
Mierne až vysoké


Priateľské a pokojné

Farebná forma:
Zvlášť piebald a skewbald

Dĺžka života:
20 – 25 rokov

13 – 16 rúk

Seno a vyvažovač

Pokoj so zvieratami, skvelé s deťmi

Prehľad cigánskeho Vanneru

Obrázok Kredit: Pixabay
Cigán Vanner pochádza z Veľkej Británie a Írska. Najmä sa v skutočnosti reprodukuje kreslenie cigánskych karavanov v Írsku.

Cestovanie Cigánov z britských ostrovov začali používať koňov na kreslenie karavanov v polovici 19. storočia a plemeno sa ďalej zlepšilo a zvýšilo sa počas druhej svetovej vojny.

V roku 1996 sa počiatočné plemeno vyvážalo do Spojených štátov, kde zostalo v príťažlivosti v dôsledku kombinácie vynikajúcich vzhľadov a tiež výdrže, integrovanej s zvládnuteľnou veľkosťou a fantastickou kapacitou kreslenia.

Steed sa nepovažoval iba o životne dôležitý pre nepretržité prežitie členov rodiny, pričom sa ako jeden z členov rodiny pritiahol domácich kemperov z jednej oblasti do ďalšej, ale ako jeden z členov rodiny.

History a pôvod Cignera Vanner

Pozadie Gypsy Vannerovej koní začína cigánmi Veľkej Británie, ktorí hľadali steed s tvrdosťou a konštrukciou, aby nakreslili svojich kemperov.

Žiadali koňa, ktorý bol nielen solídny, ale to bolo navyše mierne, jemné a rýchlo vzdelané.

Cigáni veľmi starostlivo reprodukovali svoje optimálne koní, spoliehali sa na kraj, ako aj na Clydesdale pre svoju dimenziu a silu, potom vrátane koňa Dales a tiež Fall Pony do krvných línií.

Postupom času boli tieto koňky viac leštené a typ sa začal stuhnúť. Cypsy Vanners boli prvýkrát privezené do Ameriky v roku 1996. V tom istom roku bol zriadený počítačový register typu, Cypsy Vanner Steed Culture.

Veľkosť cigánskeho vannera

Cigánske desance sú relatívne drobné kone, ktoré stoja medzi 12,2, ako aj 16 rúk vysoké. Aj keď by mohli byť oveľa kratšie ako váš normálny ponor, sú všeobecne vyvíjané a ľahko sú so schopnosťou kresliť vozne a karavany, pričom tiež pracujú ako jazda na koni, ktoré môžu podporovať väčších jazdcov.

Chov a použitia

Zatiaľ čo plemeno Gypsy Vanner prišlo od vytiahnutia karavanov, v skutočnosti získali príťažlivosť vďaka svojej vhodnosti pre mnoho rôznych ďalších funkcií.

The Gypsy still makes an impressive cart steed, and also you’ll discover it completing at shows and also driving competitions, along with pulling carriages for satisfaction.

Cigán Vanner tiež vytvára skvelú koni na koni vďaka svojej prepustenej postave. Cigáni sú jazdené v angličtine, ako aj západnom, ako aj pre rôzne disciplíny, od drezúry po jazdu na chodníkoch, ako aj navyše.

Since they’re frequently so calm as well as accommodating, they’re a preferred choice for a family horse, as well as have actually also located a place in the world of healing riding programs.

colors and Markings

Gypsy Vanners come in any color, including solid coats. However, the breed is most commonly known for its colored coats with:

Tobiano: White patches on a dark coat color

Skewbald: White patches on a base coat that is any color but black

Blagdon: A splash of white on the belly of a darker colored coat

The type isn’t a shade breed, so the breed computer system registry will approve steeds whatever their coat shade or pattern.

The equine was kept in good condition, thanks to the extensive workout it obtained as well as additionally thanks to the range of greens that it obtained from eating hedgerows and also shrubbery.

The equines needed to reside in close proximity to the family, including children. This indicated that the type was expected to have a reliable and gentle mood to ensure that it did not hurt or otherwise scare youngsters.

Prior to 1996, the Gypsy Cob was considered a kind of steed, rather than a specific breed, but in this year, breed associations started to create in The united states and Canada, Europe, Australia, and also worldwide.

Although the requirements do differ a little from one area to one more, the steed is typically considered to be in between 13 and also 16 hands high, its face account needs to be straight, and it ought to have a muscular neck, breast, and also withers.

Functions like the feathered heels and the piebald coloring are preferable and usual, but they are not required according to the type criteria.

How much Do Gypsy Vanners Cost?

The Gypsy Vanner is an expensive equine, not only to take care of yet also to get, as well as you can anticipate an average cost of around $12,000.

If you look around or want to jeopardize on the criteria, you might have the ability to find one for less than this, however, while prize examples with solid lineage might set you back more.

The expense and also quality of this type indicate that it is unlikely that you will certainly find one in rescues, although it is possible. The price of embracing is less than purchasing however varies according to the sanctuary you make use of.

Typical behavior & Temperament

Prominent for its calmness and also sweet nature, the Gypsy Vanner is a good selection for novice and newbie bikers.

It has actually been reproduced to stay in close proximity to its family, consisting of little ones, as well as the equine would have been bordered by canines and also other pets.

Although there is no assurance, choosing a Gypsy Vanner breed does enhance the possibility that you are getting a sweet-natured as well as loving equine.

Appearance & Varieties

Obrázok Kredit: Pixabay
Standards do vary a bit from one country and one breed link to the next, but some standards are uniform.


It is usually accepted that this type will certainly separate 13 as well as 16.2 hands high (hh). The much shorter equines are normally considered more desirable.

They are as stocky and also solid as the bigger equines, but due to the fact that they are smaller, they do not require as much food, so are taken into consideration to be much more economically practical.

A bigger steed will certainly set you back substantially extra, especially since the Vanner normally has intricate dietary needs that are past the criterion for horses, generally.


There is no solitary shade or pattern for the Gypsy Vanner type. They can be formed or have strong shade coats. Nonetheless, the piebald and also skewbald patterns are common in this breed. In particular, you will see:

Dark-colored horses with white patches, called tobiano

White patches on a coat that is any color but black, referred to as skewbald

Darker colored horses with a splash of white on the belly, usually called blagdon

The breed is not considered a colored breed, however, so breed registries will accept them with any color and with any marking or pattern.


Once again, there are few attributes or physical qualities that are taken into consideration essential to the type. Nonetheless, it prevails to see feathering on the lower legs.

The Vanner likewise has a tendency to have significant hair around the mane and tail, and also this long hair does need added treatment.

How to Take care of Gypsy Vanners

The Gypsy Vanner is a durable pet as well as if you look after it, it will certainly look after you and also your family members. It is solid, difficult, as well as resistant, and is sturdy to wet and chilly problems.

Nonetheless, owning among this type isn’t without its obstacles. Particularly, it has long hair that requires normal pet grooming, as well as it can be prone to some ailments and conditions.

Climate and Conditions

The Gypsy Vanner originates from Ireland. The location is understood for being wet as well as rather inclement.

Temperature levels can drop below freezing, and also this type can do well living outdoors, although it will certainly take advantage of having sanctuary against the chilly as well as wet of wintertime.

The Vanner can have a hard time in hot climates, considering Ireland has a mean yearly temperature of 50 ° F and also only a typical July temperature level of 62 ° F.

In a few of the hilly areas around Dublin, Ireland sees more than 254 cm of rains a year, also. If you will certainly be maintaining your Vanner in warm temperature levels, make certain that they have somewhere to run away the sun.


The Vanner requires a significant quantity of brushing to ensure that it continues to be healthy and comfy. In particular, it has a lengthy tail as well as mane, which require added attention.

This is specifically true if you reside in a sloppy location because the mud can get caught up in the hair as well as trigger issues.

You can braid the hair as well as tail to decrease the effect of mud and to stop knotting. The plumes around all-time low of the Vanner’s tail will need regular detangling as well as cleaning. This will additionally help you discover any type of cuts or scratches.

unique characteristics of the Gypsy Vanner

Gypsy Vanners sporting activity particular hefty feathering beginning at their knees and hocks. A lengthy, complete mane as well as tail are likewise usual attributes.

This substantial hair needs a lot of extra care and grooming, particularly when planning for a program.

diet and Nutrition

The Gypsy Vanner has a tendency to have a slower metabolism than your normal lightweight riding steed, so they need to consume a details diet regimen.

Their slower metabolism can cause them to easily as well as quickly gain weight, and also it also leaves them vulnerable to metabolic concerns.

To combat these prospective issues, numerous proprietors put their Gypsy Vanners on a high-fat, low-sugar diet regimen.

Much of these equines succeed with a top quality hay and also a provision balancer, rather than a normal feed concentrate. Some Gypsies may require to use grazing muzzles during the summer if they’re out on lavish fields.

common health and behavior problems

While many Gypsy Vanners live very healthy lives, this breed is prone to a few certain health issues:

Scratches: These crusty scabs on a horse’s legs can lead to lower leg swelling and lameness.

Malleanders and Sallenders: If a horse’s body produces too much keratin (which is what drives the growth of the Gypsy’s thick feathering), it can cause thick, crusted growths on the front and hind legs that need to be removed and actively managed, or they can result in bacterial and fungal infections.

Chronic Progressive Lymphedema: This condition causes significant lower-leg swelling, as the skin on a horse’s legs can become thicker and lymph fluid starts to build up in the legs. There’s no cure for this condition and the swelling will continue to progress during a horse’s life.

Gypsy horse grooming

Gypsy Vanners call for a considerable amount of grooming to keep them healthy and comfortable. Their long manes and tails need certain focus, particularly if equines are staying in sloppy problems.

Several owners decide to braid their steeds’ hairs to help prevent tangles as well as to maintain the manes tidy.

The exact same holds true of tails; Gypsy Vanner proprietors often utilize mud knots and tail pigtails to aid stop breakage and to keep the hair tidy.

The Gypsy’s plumes likewise need constant detangling and also cleaning. If the horse has white lower legs, the plumes will conveniently become tarnished or stained, making preparing for shows a lot more difficult.

Regular pet grooming of the feathers is also vital so that proprietors can promptly discover any type of problems on the reduced legs, like a cut or the beginning of scrapes.


Suitable for children and adults

Excellent temperament

Easy to train


Requires higher-maintenance grooming

Can be expensive to buy

champion and celebrity Gypsy Vanner Horses

The Gypsy King is a popular stallion who was imported into America in 1998. He’s been very photographed and you’ve likely seen him in calendars, in publications, and also in posts concerning the breed. He was the ideas for a Breyer version equine that shares his name.

Is the Gypsy Vanner horse right for You?

Docile, very easy to educate, and also with an excellent temperament, the Gypsy Vanner sounds like a remarkable equine for practically anyone. but it’s additionally vital to be practical about what having among these equines requires, also.

Be prepared to very carefully handle your steed’s diet plan and also to do detailed, normal grooming that goes beyond the regular grooming your typical riding equine would need.

Gypsies are fit for family members and both skilled and inexperienced cyclists, alike. They’re great options for both pleasure and also for competition horses, and they’r



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