Does the Thundershirt for Dogs really Work?

My golden retriever Elsie is a bit nervous during thunderstorms OR fireworks. OK, that’s an understatement. Elsie is very nervous during thunderstorms. In fact, it doesn’t even need to be an actual thunderstorm. Elsie seems to have some kind of built-in barometric pressure reader. She seems to know when a Read more…

Smart Beagle kradne hydinové nugety

Som s tvorivosťou tohto psa potešený. Zatiaľ čo moje mačky by nechali tie hydinové nugety v okamihu, môj domáci pes by nikdy nemyslel, že by skočil na pult. Ja ako toto video. Presne ukazuje, aké vynaliezavé a inovatívne psy môžu byť často, keď poskytujú túto príležitosť. Dokážem si predstaviť iba Read more…

Should I utilize 1800 PetMeds?

Note: I got store credit score from 1-800-PetMeds in exchange for composing about the business right here on the blog. My experience with 1-800-PetMeds was positive. I would suggest the pet pharmacy to other pet owners based on exactly how practical it was to buy with It was quick Read more…

Kong Wobbler evaluation

The Kong Wobbler is one of my preferred interactive food puzzle toys for dogs. Kong is a U.S. brand that focuses on natural rubber as well as difficult plastic pet dog toys. all of its toys are created as enrichment toys that stimulate dogs mentally. I am personally a huge Read more…